Our Story

Cathedral, like the name, exists to give people a new encounter of an ancient faith.

It’s a symbol of the worn path of the Saints, restored for the 21st century.

It’s a dwelling place for a fresh outpouring of the Spirit, grounded in eternal truth.

It’s a foundation in a city that’s constantly being torn down and rebuilt.

It’s a community that believes God is infinitely glorious and inexhaustibly generous and that has faith for all He still wants to do.

Simply put - We are a Church that’s committed to loving God, serving His people, and loving this city.

Our Pillars


Cathedral is a bible-based church in Los Angeles and Nashville. Teaching the Bible is central to our Sunday gatherings, offering timeless truth, wisdom, and guidance for our faith and daily lives. We aim not just to be inspired but also to grow into maturity through its teachings. Our belief in an unchanging God shapes our understanding of how to interact with Him, drawing from the lessons found in scripture.


Every Sunday, we partake in communion, a sacrament defined by St. Augustine as a visible sign of our union with Jesus. Baptism and communion serve as visible signs of our connection to Him, prompting our desire to experience God through these Sacraments.


Every Sunday, you'll be encouraged to deepen your discipleship by joining a group, engaging in serving, or engaging in one of next steps on our discipleship pathway. We prioritize discipleship in our church in Los Angeles because following Jesus alone is challenging. Those who seek to follow Him must both be led by more mature believers and play their part in leading others.


You will experience our service which is only possible by a group of people who serve because Jesus served. We find that the only sensible response to this is a total commitment to follow in the footsteps of Jesus by laying our lives down and serving others in perfect humility. We deny the priorities of the Western world which values superiority over others.


Our weekly church gatherings prioritize the importance of joining together in song with an emphasis on glorifying the Lord. We are not in a hurry to move past this time nor do we see it as ranking lower in importance than other segments of our service. Music is a gift from God and a powerful vehicle for His children to articulate and express their devotion, fostering a deep sense of communion with Him.

Demonstration of Power:

We reject the notion that God has ceased to do extraordinary things in the world through His church. Instead, we expect in faith that if we ask God to move, He will do so miraculously. We make room in our Sunday church services for the Holy Spirit to speak through prophecy, words of knowledge, and words of wisdom. We believe it is our responsibility, when we gather, to pray for the sick and physically injured, that we might see God totally heal them. We value the gifts of speaking and interpreting tongues and anticipate God to use those gifts for His glory.


The early church was birthed and sustained through its devotion to corporate prayer and we join in that call to prayer in every gathering. Throughout history, healthy and effective churches have prioritized prayer, resulting in significant moves of God. We pray because it fosters fellowship with our Father and partners us in advancing His kingdom.