
We believe in growing closer to God together. We emphasize discipleship in our church communities through both informal connections and structured programs, recognizing that no one can walk this path alone. Just as Adam and Eve were created in the garden, we're committed to fostering an environment where everyone can flourish spiritually.

Discover Your Community

Neighborhood Groups

Neighborhood Groups meet every week, all year long.

Neighborhood groups are a foundational aspect of our church in Los Angeles and Nashville and are a way to grow deeper in faith, build strong relationships, and support one another in their spiritual journey. These small groups provide a safe and welcoming environment for members to share their experiences, study the Bible, pray together, and encourage each other. 

By joining a Neighborhood Group, you can experience a stronger sense of belonging, develop lasting friendships, and find personalized support and accountability, making your faith journey more meaningful and impactful.

Looking to grow your faith through discipleship in Los Angeles and Nashville? Find a neighborhood group in your local area today!


Essentials is an invitation to embrace the gospel and choose to be a committed part of the local church. 

It's a set of four in-person courses held on Sundays to introduce people to foundational Christian doctrine, biblical beliefs on hot topic issues, and our church's story, vision, and values. By the end, everyone has the opportunity to officially become a member of Cathedral by committing to building community, regular giving, serving, being a disciple, and eventually becoming a disciple maker.

This nine-week program with Elijah Lamb equips participants with the tools to read, interpret, and apply the Bible effectively through engaging teaching and hands-on practice.

Classes meet every Tuesday from 6:30–9:00 PM

Night School


Water baptism has been a sacred declaration of faith since the day the church began. The instruction back then, and still today, is simple: “Repent from sin and turn to Jesus, then be water baptized in His name.”

Water Baptism is your next step if you have:

  • Put your faith in Jesus for the first time or rediscovered your faith in a more personal way.

  • You were baptized as a child by your parent or guardian’s choice, but do not have any meaningful connection to that moment.

  • You have never been seriously connected to a local church, outworking your faith in the context of the Body of Christ.

If you would like to be baptized, register below:
Highland Park | South Bay | Nashville